Is Obama responsible for the entry of Blue collared jobs?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is Obama responsible for the entry of Blue collared jobs?

United States is experiencing a surge in blue collared jobs, as many manufacturing companies are slowly picking up pace amid damaging recession.

What is even more surprising is the fact that when US economy has hit bottom, manufacturing industries are somehow getting back things on track.

If you look at the stats, slack crept in the manufacturing sector, since 1998, and there was a sharp fall in local manufacturing jobs. The recession followed after the manufacturing industries struck low. With the entry of recession, the US financial gloom had a drastic effect on the industries in US.

The affect lasted till the early part of 2010, there was virtually no job, and no recruitment took place in the manufacturing industries even in 2009.

The year 2010 has brought hopes in the life of Americans. The number of blue collared jobs in US has increased, more and more jobs are available. Firms have even added shifts to tackle the growing number of orders.

The change which never took place in all these years for over a decade in America, suddenly finds a place in US economy struggle.

Who should be credited for bringing a financial change now? Is Obama administration had done something to affect a change, or the change happened in due course of time, perhaps, as a result of a natural cycle.

Do small manufacturing firms have held their hopes high, as the so called $30 billion small business finance program by Obama administration was in the pipeline for quite some time?

Whatever the reasons are, the manufacturing growth of more than 1.5% is presently, the highest growth rate comparatively to other growth sectors in US.

The most striking aspect is that the factories are beginning to connect with their past workers, who had been laid off earlier, due to recession.

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